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Principled Societies Project

Facilitating Societal Cognition

Standard Steady-State Model

Running the Model

The standard steady-state model refers to a version of the model that has a limited number of parameter choices, via scenarios. Results for these are precalculated. Thus, the standard model is simple and fast. It is intended to provide an easy introduction to the steady-state model and give a flavor of results and possibilities. The expert steady-state model allows the user to specify a larger number of parameters.

The standard model uses only three user-specified parameters: county population, workforce partition target, and the revenue partition target for organizations. Behind the scenes it employs numerous default values that are listed on the results page. See the model overview page for the meaning of the partitions and their relationship to decision-making in economic direct democracy. To run the model, choose a desired scenario and then press the "run" button. A results window will open containing information about currency flows and fitness scores.

Apart from the tables of parameters that are given on this page and on the results page, a spreadsheet listing internal model variables and default settings is available for download. See the glossary for abbreviations and definition of terms.

Parameter Choices

A drop down box contains scenario choices, as per the table below. The first and second scenarios are identical except for the revenue partition targets. Both have a fairly equal distribution of the LEDDA workforce within the standard business (SB), principled business (PB), and nonprofit (NP) sectors. Whereas Scenario 1 provides organization revenue by emphasizing flows from person spending, Scenario 2 emphasizes flows from the CBFS.

Scenario 3 illustrates the possibility of achieving the family income target when most of the LEDDA workforce is shifted to the nonprofit sector and organization revenue emphasizes flows from the CBFS. Scenario 4 is identical, except that the county population is increased to 100,000. In that Scenario, roughly 9 billion in currency (tokens and dollars, T&D) flows annually from the CBFS to local organizations (mostly nonprofits). Individuals in the county pay roughly $1.5 billion in taxes. As in all scenarios, the income target is 110,000 T&D, which member families receive regardless of work status. This is take-home income after CBFS contributions have been made, and is roughly equal to the 90% percentile of current US family income. Thus, about 90% of county families join the LEDDA because it is in their best financial interests to do so.

It's worth stating directly that nonprofits (including schools) could greatly benefit from the LEDDA framework. The jobs created in that sector would generally be funded through CBFS grants. Thus, in Scenarios 3 and 4, about 70 percent of the LEDDA workforce could be teachers, scientists, artists, doctors, nurses, field biologists, parks rangers, police, and firefighters, just to name a few. A LEDDA could fund any kind of effort or nonprofit program that it wishes, although its decisions would be scored by how collective wellbeing changes over time. Of course, a LEDDA could also fund any kind of for-profit business or project that it wishes, and local businesses could also benefit.


ItemScenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3Scenario 4
Adult population10,00010,00010,000100,000
Workforce Partition:PercentPercentPercentPercent
Sum partition100100100100
Revenue Partition:% of Total% of Total% of Total% of Total
Persons Spending60403030
CBFS Funding40607070
Sum partition100100100100


Parameter Scenarios