Books, academic/technical papers and posters, blog articles, media, and other works about the Principled Societies Project and LEDDA Framework are collected here. For videos and interviews, please see the videos page. See also John Boik's CogNarr Project hosted by the Active Inference Institute.
Boik JC.
Economic Direct Democracy: A Framework to End Poverty and Maximize Well-Being.; 2014.
Boik JC.
CogNarr Ecosystem: Facilitating Group Cognition at Scale.
ArXiv; 2024.
Boik JC.
CogNarr Ecosystem: Preliminary Thoughts on a Story Graph Meaning Representation.
OSF; 2024.
Ander A, Boik J, Libor B, et al.
The active inference institute and active inference ecosystem.
Active Inference Journal/Zenodo; 2023.
Boik JC.
Societal transformation: A role for second-order cognitive science?.
ScienceX (science blog); Feb 4, 2021.
Boik JC.
Science-Driven Societal Transformation, Part I: Worldview.
Sustainability; 12(17), 2020, 6881.
Boik JC.
Science-Driven Societal Transformation, Part II: Motivation and Strategy.
Sustainability; 12(19), 2020, 8047.
Boik JC.
Science-Driven Societal Transformation, Part III: Design.
Sustainability; 13(2), 2021, 726.
Boik JC.
Optimality of Social Choice Systems: Complexity, Wisdom, and Wellbeing Centrality.
IDEAS Working Paper; 2016.
Boik JC. LEDDA Framework: Innovation for Thriving, Resilient Communities.
De Lange Conference X: Humans, Machines, and the Future of Work.
Poster Presentation. Rice University, Houston, TX; 2016.
Boik JC.
First Micro-Simulation Model of a LEDDA Community Currency-Dollar Economy.
International Journal of Community Currency Research; 2014.
Boik JC.
First-in-Class Simulation Model Illustrates Economic Democracy, End of Poverty.
ScienceX (science blog); October 15, 2014.
Boik, JC, Fioramonti, L, Milante, G.
Rebooting Democracy"
Foreign Policy Magazine; March 16, 2015.
Johnson, C. "
Can a Complementary Currency Help End Poverty? A Q&A with John Boik.
Shareable; December 2, 2014.